About us
2016-05-03 14:19:20
Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics(IAG) of Mongolian Academy of Science(MAC) was established in International Year of Geophysics in 1957 with the help of Russian scientists.
Now with rich history this Institute has equipment’s of international standard and with the pillar of rich database this Institute has contributed to the world’s basic scientific development.
Within the current structure and organization with defined mission and objectives, over 200 staff members are working in two departments of the Astronomy and Geophysics. Astrometry, Geodynamic research and Solar Physics are part of Astronomy department, Seismology, Geomagnetism and local seismic network stations are part of Geophysics department. Each field of study has a unique set of features for history of its development, research methodology, outcomes and future goals and has a highly skilled professional workforce.
The geographic location is comparatively advantageous in conducting research.
Historical page
By the order #565 of Mongolia Council of Ministers in November 11th of 1956
- “This country’s participation in the year of world geophysics event is proper.
- In the year of world geophysics scientific institute should conduct analytical work and research on climate change, aerial analysis, earthquake, latitude and intensity of solar radiation.
- In order to carry out these researches, an earthquake investigatory station and a station of astronomy were established in early 1957.” This concluded the order and laid foundation of astronomy and geophysics research in Mongolia.
Astronomy and Earthquake research station
1957-1961 Administrant Ninjbadgar S.
Astronomical research peak
1961-1967 Administrant Gelegpil Ts.
1967-1970 Administrant Baljinnyam Ts.
Astronomical research sector
1970-1990 Administrant Dr. Baasanjav D.
Astronomical research peak
1991-1994 Director Dr. Lkhagvasuren D.
1994-1997 Director DR. Noonoi G.
Earthquake research sector
1961-1988 Administrant Baljinnyam I.
1989-1990 Administrant Ganbaatar L.
1990-1991 Administrant Erdenebileg B.
From 1992 till now Administrant Dr. Dugarmaa T.
Geomagnetism sector
1961-1964 Administrant Academic Ayushjav G.
1964-1981 Administrant Balbar I.
1981-1992 Administrant Dr. Byambaa Ch.
1992-1997 Administrant Dr. Gunchin-Ish A.
From 1997 till now Administrant Dr. Sukhbaatar U.
Research Center of Earthquake and Geomagnetism
1992-1997 Director Dr. Sukhbaatar U.
Research center of Astronomy and Geophysics
1997-2007 Director Dr. Bekhtor B.
2007-2014 Director Dr. Sukhbaatar U.
Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics
From 2014 till now Director Dr. Demberel S.