About department
Geomagnetic department is doing research of geomagnetic field and physics of geosphere. In the research work, we are studying geomagnetic physics included inner magnetic field and outer magnetic field of earth, physics of ionosphere and magnetosphere and deep electromagnetic study of the earth.
G. Ayushjav was foundation our department when international geophysical year on 1966. And first observation of geomagnetic have been located in Khureltogoot astronomical observation since 1965. In this observation, first recorded vertical component and now we are recording H,D,Z components of geomagnetic using torsion magnetometer and doing absolute measurement each week.
Geomagnetic department have three doctors, three masters and three bachelor U.Sukhbaatar is chief of department. We could asquited sufficient data from after 1957 year. Now our scientifistic ideas update to the geomagnetic map of Mongolia, find the new methods of the data processing of geomagnetic and find electromagnetic of effects of earthquake.